Franklin Hoet Linares


Franklin Hoet Linares



Since 1974 Mr. Hoet specialized in real estate business representing many European companies, developers of housing and commercial office centers in Venezuela. He acted as an attorney, shareholder and as President of Sigma de Venezuela, where he developed thousands of houses and apartments in Caracas. Founder of Century 21 in Venezuela.Besides these business activities he is founder and senior partner of Hoet Pelaez Castillo & Duque, one of the oldest and largest law firms in Venezuela, where he acted as Director of the Real Estate Department.Former President of Fedeuropa as well as other European Chambers of Commerce.Active as a real estate developer in Florida since 1980.Fluent in English, Spanish and French.

His education and experience include as follows:
Comparative Law, Facultad Internacional para la Enseñanza del Derecho Comparado, Strasburg, France, Amsterdam, Holland, Caracas, Venezuela 1969 – 1971.Public Administration, E. N. de Alcalá de Henares, Spain, 1969.Doctorate Studies in Comparative Public Finances, University of Paris, 1969.Masters Degree in Financial Economics, “International Institute of Public Administration”, 1968.Law Degree, Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), 1967.Managing Partner of the Law Firm Hoet Peláez Castillo & Duque.Arbiter for the Specialized Center of Arbitrage and Conciliation of the Chamber of Conciliation in Intellectual Property, Bogotá, Colombia.Arbiter for the Inter American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI), 2004.Mediator at the Center for Mediation at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).President and Co-founder of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).Honorary President of the World Jurists Association.